Top Tips To Choosing Your Wedding Party

Top Tips To Choosing Your Wedding Party

How To Choose Your Wedding Party

One of the most stressful wedding chores is making the guest list. Deciding whom to call for your wedding is exhaustive, and factors like budget, venue capacity etc make it all the more difficult. So, for those couples who are confused about whom to add to their wedding party, here are few tips that might help you make the list faster-

Decide your party size– Before starting to send out invitations, decide whether you want to a small celebration or a grand one. Once you make this choice, making the guest list would get much easier.

Consult your spouse– When you are in doubt about inviting a person, consider talking to your partner about it.It is easier for both the sides if you two make the guest list together.You should also involve your parents and siblings in the process of choosing the wedding party.

It is not Necessary to reciprocate– Contrary to the prevalent norm concerning Indian weddings, it is not necessary to invite everyone that invited you to their wedding.Your wedding is a solemn, intimate moment for you,and you should celebrate it with the people that you want to.

Location matters– If you are inviting an important friend or family member who lives far, there is a possibility that they might not be able to turn up. Therefore, keep your expectations real and invite the people that you know will attend the wedding.

A wedding means that you have to do hundreds of chores in a very short time. To keep the stress to a minimum, skip the tasks that you possibly can. But, choosing the wedding party is something that you should do yourself. Since it is your wedding, you should be the one deciding who would be attending it.

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